A new diagnosis of breast cancer is often unexpected and causes overwhelming mental stress. The patient and the family face several challenges and are left confused, unable to understand and decide between different treatment options. We are committed to making the journey easier while providing you with the best treatment possible


      Personalized Treatment Plans

Every breast cancer is different and every patient is different. Hence, treatments offered are patient centric and tailored for the type of cancer as well as for the individual needs of the patient. Type of cancer, stage of the cancer as well as the age and health of the patient are to be considered

            Evidence Based Treatments

Breast cancer treatment options are constantly evolving with time.We stay updated with advanced cancer research worldwide & provide latest treatments, based on standard practice guidelines. As patient safety is of utmost importance, only scientifically validated evidence based treatments are provided

            Minimally invasive treatments

Emphasis is given for minimally invasive treatments and breast conserving procedures wherever possible. We believe in offering all possible treatment options to the patients and helping them choose the best possible treatment for themselves

          Multidisciplinary Planning

Breast Cancer treatments are more effective when inputs from multiple specialists including breast surgical oncologist, medical oncologist, radiation oncologist, onco-pathologist and radiologist are considered


Breast cancer treatment involves a multimodality approach by a team of specialists which include a breast surgeon, medical oncologist, radiation oncologist, physiotherapist and a counselor. Treatment options include surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, hormonal therapy and targeted drug therapy. The treatment required depends on stage of tumor, type of tumor and individual preferences


Type of surgery depends upon the stage of disease & individual Preference. Operations used to treat breast cancer include removal of the breast as well as removal of the lymph nodes in the armpit

Surgery of the breast for breast cancer can be of two types:

  1. Breast Lumpectomy/ Breast conservation surgery

    ​A lumpectomy is also called breast conservation surgery. In this procedure, the tumor and a small margin of surrounding healthy tissue is removed. A lumpectomy may be recommended for removing smaller tumors. In properly selected early breast cancer patients, lumpectomy and lymph node dissection combined with radiation therapy is as effective as modified radical mastectomy for long term cure

  2. Mastectomy (Modified radical mastectomy)

    ​A modified radical mastectomy involves complete removal of the breast with axillary lymph node dissection. This procedure may be necessary when multiple tumors are present in different areas of the breast, when there is extensive precancerous tissue throughout the breast or in cases of advanced cancers. Patients with early breast cancer may also choose to undergo a modified radical mastectomy to avoid radiation

Surgery of the lymph nodes under the armpit is an essential part of breast cancer operation. It can be done in two ways:

  1. Sentinel Node Biopsy

    In this procedure, the ‘primary draining nodes’ in the armpit are mapped using special dyes. These are then excised and sent for pathological evaluation. If these lymph nodes are not involved by cancer, the remaining nodes in the armpit are spared

  2. Axillary Node Dissection

    In this procedure, the lymph nodes in the armpit on the same side are completely removed. Patients are advised to avoid needle sticks and intravenous cannula in the arm on the operated side


Oncoplastic Breast Surgery

Oncoplastic surgery combines safe oncological principles with aesthetic techniques to obtain good cosmetic outcomes following breast cancer surgery. Individualized operative plans are developed for each patient to achieve an appearance that satisfies the patient

Immediate Breast Reconstruction 

When undergoing a modified radical mastectomy, patients are provided with an option to undergo an immediate reconstruction of the breast during the same surgery. In this procedure, the breast is reconstructed with either an implant or a tissue flap obtained from another area of the body


Breast cancer treatments have two main goals:

  • To destroy as much of the cancer as possible
  • To prevent cancers from returning

Treatments that remove or destroy the cancer within the breast and lymph nodes include:

  • Surgery: Surgical options include a modified radical mastectomy which removes the whole breast and a breast conserving surgery that removes only the tumor and the adjacent tissues. Both the procedures are combined with lymph node dissection
  • Radiation therapy: Targeted, high-energy radioactive waves are used to destroy cancer cells

Treatments that destroy or control cancer cells all over the body include:

  • Chemotherapy: Anti-cancer drugs which kill cancer cells throughout the body  
  • Hormone therapy: Prevent hormones from fueling the growth of breast cancer cells
  • Targeted therapy: Prompt the body’s immune system to destroy cancer cells

1. Surgery: Surgical procedures may cause short term pain or discomfort in the operated area. Lymph node dissection may cause swelling in the arm, a condition known as lymphedema

2. Radiation therapy: Skin irritation and breast pain may begin within a few weeks of starting treatment and go away on their own within six months after treatment ends. Patients may also experience fatigue

3. Chemotherapy: Certain chemotherapy drugs may cause side effects like nausea, vomiting, fatigue, nerve damage, sore mouth, diarrhea, constipation and decreased blood counts

4. Hormone therapy: Some hormone therapies may cause hot flashes, vaginal discharge, dryness and irritation and mood changes. Aromatase inhibitors may also cause joint and muscle pain as well as osteoporosis

Chemotherapy is one of the important aspects of breast cancer treatment. However, not every breast cancer patient needs chemotherapy. If the tumor is small, has not spread to the lymph nodes, is hormone receptor(ER/PR)  positive and HER2 negative, a genomic risk assessment of the tumor may be considered. Commercially available tests include Oncotype Dx, Mammaprint and others.If genomic testing demonstrates a low risk of recurrence, endocrine therapy alone for 5-10 years may suffice

Need for radiation therapy is determined by the type of surgery, size of the tumor and lymph node involvement. Radiation is mandatory in all patients who undergo breast conservation surgery. Radiation is also advisable in large tumors and those with spread to lymph nodes

Treatment for breast cancer generally should start as soon as the diagnosis is made. Before beginning treatment, it is important to understand and evaluate all available treatment options and then decide what’s best for you

The most common types of breast cancer are:

Invasive lobular carcinoma: Accounts for one in ten breast cancers and begins in the breast lobules.

Invasive ductal carcinoma: Accounts for about eight in ten breast cancers and begins in the milk ducts

Cancer staging describes the severity or extent of the cancer. Knowing the cancer stage will help your breast specialist recommend a personalized treatment plan specific to your disease. Stage I or stage II is considered early stage, while stages III and IV are considered advanced



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