Here’s the truth

Breast cancer is not contagious. It does not spread from one person to another. Breast cancer is the result of uncontrolled cell growth of mutated cells that begin to spread into other tissues within the breast

Here’s the truth

While there have been few reports that chemicals found in deodorants can enter the skin and cause changes in breast cells that could lead to cancer, the research till date does not support a link between deodorant use and breast cancer risk

Here’s the truth

 All women are at risk of breast cancer. Although rare, young women can get breast cancer, even in their early or late 20’s

Here’s the truth

Breast cancer is actually the most common cancer in pregnant and postpartum women. When women are pregnant or breastfeeding, their breasts are naturally more tender and enlarged, which makes it harder to detect a lump or notice other early changes

Here’s the truth

Younger women can get breast cancer, as well as men. Women of all ages need to pay attention to their breasts, perform self examinations, and report any unusual changes to their doctors 

Here’s the truth

All women are at risk of developing breast cancer. Over three-quarters of women diagnosed have no family history of breast cancer

Here’s the truth

Fibrocystic diseases are benign (non-cancerous) breast conditions and do not increase the risk of breast cancer. However, in some instances, fibrocystic change can make breast cancer more difficult to detect by mammography. The density of breast associated with fibrocystic breasts may eclipse breast cancer on mammogram films. Therefore, it is important that breast self examinations and clinical breast examinations also be preformed along with ultrasonography

Here’s the truth
In general, eighty percent of lumps are caused by benign (non-cancerous) changes in the breast. This percentage changes with age. In young women, more than 80% of breast lumps are benign. As the age increases, the risk of breast cancer also increases. It is important for women to report any breast abnormality to a breast specialist, especially if it persists after two or more menstrual cycles

Here’s the truth

Up to 10% of breast cancers are associated with pain. However, pain is very rarely the only presenting symptom of a breast cancer. Usually, pain accompanies a breast lump

Here’s the truth

Only a small percentage of breast lumps turn out to be cancer.  But, whenever you notice a lump in your breast or any changes in the breast tissue, it should never be ignored. It is very important to consult a breast specialist for a clinical breast examination

Here’s the truth

A family history of breast cancer can increase the risk of breast cancer. However, most women with breast cancer do not have a family history of the disease. In fact, only about 13 percent of women with breast cancer have a close first degree relative (mother, sister or daughter) with breast cancer

Here’s the truth

Most people diagnosed with breast cancer have no known family history. Only about 5–10% of breast cancers are believed to be hereditary

Here’s the truth

  • Although, most people know that a lump in the breast may be a sign of breast cancer, it is important to remember that Breast cancer might not cause a lump, especially during the earliest stages. By the time it does, the cancer might have already moved beyond the breast into the lymph nodes
  • Consult a breast specialist if you feel or notice changes in your breast that may be a sign for concern. These include breast or nipple pain, swelling, skin irritation,  dimpling or nipple retraction. This is one reason experts recommend regular screening mammograms, which can identify breast abnormalities before they can be seen or felt

Here’s the truth

Mammography is a safe procedure that uses extremely low levels of radiation. Modern mammography systems typically use only about 0.1 to 0.2 rad dose per x-ray which is quite low dose

Here’s the truth

A mammogram presently remains the gold standard for the early detection of breast cancer. Breast compression while getting a mammogram does not cause cancer to spread

Here’s the truth

Although mammography is a very good screening tool, it does have a few drawbacks- it doesn’t always find breast cancer at an early stage. It may produce a false-negative result, meaning that the images look normal even though cancer is present

Here’s the truth

Around ten to fifteen percent of all breast cancers are missed on mammography. Some lumps can only be felt and are not seen on mammography because of the density of the lump. This error is more common in younger women with dense breasts

Here’s the truth

Mammography is the gold standard for breast cancer detection. However, it is not 100% effective, it is about 80% effective at detecting breast cancer, when all age groups are considered. However, individual characteristics such as age, breast density and menopausal status may affect the accuracy of mammography



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